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    GCMRM March 2014-17

Paper Submission and Author's Guidelines (GCMRM March 2016)

GCMRM invites submission of papers (Full Papers of length 3000 to 5000 words, that provide inside into key research issues) and should be typed in Times New Roman font, font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing and title in 14 font size and should includes the abstract, references etc.

  • Please include a separate title page indicating the title of the Paper, Name(s) of the Author(s), Affiliation(s), Mailing Address(es), Telephone No.(s), Email Address(es) and Key Words that describe the paper.
  • The text of the full paper should include the Title but not include the Name(s) of the Author(s) etc. to facilitate blind review.
  • Please name your attachment as: Family Name Personal Name_Paper Title.DOC or DOCX.
  • Accompany your paper with a biography of not more than 50 words.

The paper may preferably be submitted in APA format Word file (DOC or DOCX) as per the specifications, to the Conference Chair at [email protected] and [email protected] and the subject of the email should state "PAPER SUBMISSION FOR GCMRM CONFERENCE (TRACK.....)"

In order to include your contribution to the conference and the proceedings at least one author per accepted manuscript must register for the conference.